After over two decades of experience with quality improvement, there is now a solid body of scientific research regarding the experience of thousands of organizations implementing major programs such as Six Sigma. Researchers have found that successful deployment of Six Sigma involves focusing on a small number of high-leverage items that improve processes.

Successful Six Sigma implementation starts with having a clear vision, which ensures organizational alignment. Complete awareness at both the top and grass root level, prioritization and ownership, a proper measurement system, and governance will be key for Six Sigma project implementation. We ensure that the team is empowered and recognized so that you do not end up with resignation and renegotiation.

Obelisk consulting also provides Lean and A3 Implementation. We guide you through a simplified Lean Process:

  • Assess your processes
  • Identify problems or needs
  • Identify Waste
  • Conduct research to understand the current situation
  • Conduct root cause analysis
  • Devise countermeasures to address root causes
  • Develop a target state
  • Create an, obelisk unique, Process Improvement Plan
  • Create an implementation plan
  • Develop a follow-up plan with predicted outcomes
  • Standard A3 report

We then help you during the implementation steps with an evaluation of the results:

  • Discuss plans with all affected parties
  • Obtain approval for implementation
  • Implement plans
  • Evaluate the results