We excel with a unique process of strategic planning for determining what a business or organization should become and how it can best achieve the desired goals. We appraise the full potential of a organization and explicitly link the organization’s objectives to the actions and resources required to achieve them. Strategic Planning offers a systematic process to ask and answer the most critical questions confronting your organizations management team. Using a foundation of systems thinking and systems design our goal is to support you to influence the future of your organization, bring coherence to the functions, structure, and processes within the organization.

What Obelisk can do:

  • Help you describe your organization’s mission, vision and fundamental values
  • Target potential business arenas and explore each market for emerging threats and opportunities
  • Understand the current and future priorities of targeted customer segments
  • Analyze the organization’s strengths and weaknesses relative to competitors and determine which elements of the value chain the organization should make versus buy
  • Identify and evaluate alternative strategies
  • Develop an advantageous business model that will profitably differentiate the organization from its competitors
  • Define stakeholder expectations and establish clear and compelling objectives for the business
  • Prepare programs, policies, and plans to implement the strategy
  • Establish supportive organizational structures, decision processes, information and control systems, and hiring and training systems
  • Allocate resources to develop critical capabilities
  • Plan for and respond to contingencies or environmental changes
  • Monitor and assess performance

The Team-Based Strategic Planning Process not only provides a leadership team with the data, setting, process and support they need to achieve alignment among themselves, it also ensures the kind of stakeholder involvement that’s needed to build broader ownership for the final plan and commitment to its ultimate implementation. The Team-Based Strategic Planning Process provides for an open, candid, fact-based assessment of an organizations current and prospective operating environment.
Obelisk excels at facilitating systems design and strategic thinking by working one-on-one with an individual or group, to determine the roles in leading an organization’s strategic decision making.
The Obelisk facilitation of strategic thinking happens at the level of one-on-one coaching, small group meetings, the joining of two small groups (as in the case of building strategic alliances, for example), or in the venue of a large gathering of people, which is becoming increasingly popular. Good coaching skills, good group process techniques (including in the large conference setting), and good planning tools and processes go a long way in each case.

Look towards the future… Influence the Future… Achieve the Future!